A downloadable game for Windows

Jack's long lost pumpkin has revitalized in a nearby pumpkin patch! When he reaches full size he will unleash unspeakable evil! 

(Fortunately it takes about 90 days for pumpkins to reach their full form) It's up to a lone bat to stop him! Swoop down to pick up pumpkins and drop them on Jack's head.


-Arrow Key Up to flap

-Arrow Keys left/Right to turn

-Space key to pickup Pumpkin

Pumpkins come in various types:

White: Regular pumpkin

Red: Double Damage

Gray: Heavy Pumpkins

Blue: Increased Flap Power

Green: Poison Pumpkins

(Made in a weekend for the mini Jam: Pumpkin edition (missed the submission deadline-_-))



BatBomb.exe 3.4 MB

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